Prof Ian Gilmore is Head of Science at NPL and an NPL Fellow in Surface and Nanoanalysis. He is a Visiting Professor in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham and founding director of NiCE-MSI. Ian innovated the 3D OrbiSIMS instrument, built in collaboration with GSK for measurement of intracellular drug concentration at the nanoscale. He chaired the Royal Society scientific meeting on mass spectrometry imaging in 2015. Ian has over 20 years’ experience in mass spectrometry of surfaces and has published over 118 peer-reviewed papers. He was awarded the IoP Paterson medal (2004) and the UKSAF Riviere prize (2013) for a major contribution to international leadership in surface analysis. He was recently awarded a Distinguished Visiting Scientist position at the University of Cagliari, Italy. Ian leads international standardisation in surface chemical analysis and is chair of ISO TC 201 SC 6 (Mass Spectrometry) and chair of VAMAS TWA 2. He is chair of the International Conference Series on SIMS.