Our Next Workshop - September 2018

3D illustration of Lungs - Part of Human Organic.
This EPSRC FAST Healthcare NetworksPlus event will focus on engaging Early-Career Researchers within the remit of the FAST NetworksPlus. The workshop will build on a roadmap produced in a previous event which focused on home-based monitoring of chronic conditions, and will be organised with Asthma UK.
The event will take place over one day (27th November), and will be held at the University of Oxford. As with previous EPSRC FAST events, the workshop will be open to a limited number of attendees, where we aim to include both clinicians and early-career researchers with an interest in healthcare technologies (examples of which include, but are not limited to, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, etc.).
There will be an introduction to the roadmap as reference material, and background and case-studies presented by a representative from Asthma UK. Delegates will then break into project teams to discuss potential approaches to the application posed by the charity representative, with the intention of forming small teams to write proposals for funding. The deadline for submissions of proposals will take place after the event itself. It is imagined that two such proposals will be funded, at around £30k each.
27th November 2018, University of Oxford, St Catherine's College. Save the date and register interest now. Read full details. Download flyer.